Friday, August 01, 2008

Going Dark . . .

Hello all. I am sincerely sorry nothing new has been going on here at GameTime, TBD© over the past few weeks.

As most of you know, my Better Half and I are t-minus eight days from our wedding. We are both very excited, very busy, and a little stressed (but mostly excited). Over the last few weeks we have both been working to make sure every last little detail is taken care of so that the big day goes off without so our family and friends will have a great time celebrating the occasion.

Between the wedding and work, my time has been stretched a little thin and, unfortunately, that means GameTime, TBD© has not been getting the time and attention it deserves. Unfortunately, this is only a one man show, so when time is scarce, my little corner of the world-wide-web suffers. I apologize to all of you who stop by every now and then looking for some afternoon entertainment.

It is also with great sadness that I must inform you that GameTime, TBD© is likely to be dark the entire month of August. This is mostly because next week will be jam packed with last minute wedding details, tying up any lose ends at work, and then getting married to the most amazing woman in the world. That, of course, will be followed by two weeks of newlywed fun on our honeymoon. And that, believe it or not, takes me through August. Where does the time go.

I thank you for all of your continued comments and support and hope that you will continue to check in come September. There will be a lot to get to at that point in time with college football starting up and the hockey season right around the corner. So remember to bookmark this page and check in late August/early September. I will still be here.

Thanks again!

The Management.

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