I had a mass on my upper left chest biopsied last summer before my wedding. I had always joked that it was just my third nipple, but the truth of the matter is I did not want to get it checked out in case it was something bad. But I finally went through with it and it turned out it was just some scar tissue expanding because it was being directly fed by a blood vessel. Well, it grew back over the course of the year, and I finally had it completely removed in mid-June (if this seems like a massive over-share, please feel free to skip to the good stuff below). It was a quick procedure. Ten minutes, one running stitch, and three regular stitches later and I was good to go. Doc said it was stitches for two weeks and back to normal. Well, if you know me, it is never normal when it comes to medical stuff.
The stitches came out on July 3rd. By July 9th, I was back at the good doc's office because the scar had not stayed a scar so much as become a massive open wound (again, feel free to skip ahead). So now I am week-to-week, getting it checked out every week to see how it is progressing and they are using sterile suture strips to keep it from expanding too fast. I tell you all this because I have not been sleeping well lately (have to sleep on my back), and I can not do any of the activities I enjoy and do not know when I will get back to them. I have not been able to swing a golf club for a month (I can neither confirm nor deny reports that I have taken a few swings at one point during the recovery), I have not been able to train for the triathlon I am signed up for because I can not swim, and I have been told to generally limit the use of my left arm. Have I ever mentioned I am left-handed?
So, the long and short of it is that I have been pretty frustrated over the past few weeks, and kind of depressed. But I was even more bummed out that my Better Half thought it was her fault. While she encouraged me to do it, I still made the decision myself. And I will live with it, get through it, and move on . . . eventually. For the time being, however, I get the joy of providing you all with your weekly dose of entertainment, sports style. So, here are some things you might have missed:
- God bless the person at UK's GQ magazine who thought it would be a good idea to put Marisa Miller in a bath tub. [Editor's note: borderline NSFW]
- It is nice to see the NCAA is finally mandating health insurance for college athletes . . . in the cryptic, completely unintelligible way that only the NCAA can do.
- Boy, it is really nice of the Detroit Lions to offer us the opportunity to relive the 2008 season . . .
- Someone should have told Steve McNair about LegalZoom.com.
- I was shocked, SHOCKED, to discover the NFL is not a fan of sports betting.
- The headline says it all: "Coach Fired After Parents Drink Beers". Yup, you read that right.
- No surprise here, it turns out the Cubs' failure extends beyond the field.
- Turns out his name was Bob Johnson and he was 30 years old.
- Minor league teams keep trying to one-up each other with promotions. Do we have a new leader in the clubhouse?
- This guy was "forced to open a brothel". Right, I am sure he really hemmed-and-hawed over that one.
- "It's good for business, it's good for the environment - and it's good for the girls."
- Ah, the old "inadvertent contamination in a nightclub" defense. Works every time!
- Your stupid criminal of the week story is sponsored by Great Britain.
- Congrats to Phil Ivey for finally making the final table at the WSOP Main Event. Go get 'em Phil!
- I was most impressed with the Rubik's Cube, clapping, and cup stacking.
- You could set any video to the Requiem For a Dream theme and I am sure I would like it. Basketball trick shots? Sure, why not?
- Lay out for it!
- Okay Brazilians, we get it, you are good at soccer (and at removing "unwanted" hair . . . ba-ZING!).
- Romosexuals of the world put on suicide watch as it is revealed Tony is just not that funny.
- Alright Hitler, I do not mind that you are siding with Jessica Simpson on this one. But calling Megan Fox overrated? That is where I draw the line.
- I forgot to keep you all in the Tweet Boxx loop. Here are episodes two, three, and four.
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