Friday, June 20, 2008

Counting Down

As you know by now, I am heading to the Los Angeles Kings draft-day party this afternoon to see how Dean Lombardi manages to screw things up even more. You are right, I should be more positive; good things are going to happen. It is hard to stay positive out in Los Angeles right now, however, because every local talk show has spent the last three days talking about what the Lakers are going to doing next season after getting waxed by Boston in game six. Seriously, I think have of Los Angeles is on suicide-watch right now. Get over it people. You lost in game six of the NBA Finals. There is no reason to feel bad. If the Kings had lost in game six of the Stanley Cup Finals I would be sad, yes, but at the same time I would be celebrating the fact that my team was two wins away from winning the championship. Ugh, I hate Los Angeles fans, their bandwagons, and their gross overreactions (okay, I'm heading to a dark place . . . breathe . . . breathe . . . 3, 2, 1 . . . and we're back).

Moving on to happier places, seven weeks from tomorrow my Better Half will be making an honest man out of me. I have learned that a lot goes into planning a wedding, and I commend my Better Half for all the work she has put in; it is going to be an amazing day. But when we were deciding what date we wanted to get married, trying to avoid various sports scheduling conflicts, we managed to overlook one thing: the Olympics. Now, I do not know about all of you out there, but I am one of those people who ramps up my national pride for the Olympics. I love that NBC has 24-hour coverage across its various channels. I can got to bed with the Olympics on, and wake up to the Olympics. But the opening ceremony for this year's Olympics is the night before our wedding and our honeymoon spans the first two weeks of events. I certainly will be spending most of my honeymoon (in Tahiti) indoors . . . but for a different reason than all of you are thinking (perverts). Obviously, I will be watching NBC's "coverage" (telephone call from Better Half in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1).

Now that my Better Half knows that I am CLEARLY joking, here are some things you might have missed:
  • While she is no Briana, a congratulations goes out to UCLA's Elise, SI On Campus's "Cheerleader of the Week" (I was going to make a joke about her shockingly white teeth, but my Better Half said it might give her a complex).
  • Speaking of UCLA and my Better Half, when she heads off to grad school in September you can rest assured she will be well dressed.
  • I know I am giving her free publicity by linking to this article, but Ms. Knapp just took Tiger bashing to a whole new level.
  • Vigilante justice . . . caddy style.
  • "You go gangster on me, I'm going to have to get you."
  • When faced with the possibility of missing their flight, some people tend to overreact.
  • Dick Ebersol, 2008 graduate of the "Dean Lombardi School of Making Bad Decisions".
  • I am officially kicking of my bid to be the 2009 R-P-S champion. Training will be intense, but I think I can handle it.
After last week's Link Dump, I was "shocked" to discover that people enjoy laughing at the expense of other people's . . . shall we say . . . "unfortunate" injuries. So for your weekly viewing pleasure, I have found a plethora of accidents for you to delight in:
  • Karate teaches you how to take a kick.
  • A little rough on the landing, she might have to settle for the bronze.
  • Ever wonder why Major League Lacrosse has cheerleaders? Now we know.
Have a great weekend everyone!

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