Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A Three Day Week Can Only Mean One Thing...

A link dump on a Wednesday!!! If you are like me, you are probably thinking to yourself: "Why didn't my office just give us Wednesday off as well? It is not like anyone is doing any actual work." Well, that is because it is a slippery slope. If they give you Wednesday off, then Tuesday will be a lost day and so on. The solution? Just give us the whole week off. So, now I am stuck in my office getting fired up for the first meaningful Thanksgiving day game the Detroit Lions have played in eight years (kickoff is at 12:30 pm etz). For those of you not as excited about the Lions/Packers game, here are some newsworthy items you may have missed during this shortened week to help you pass the time:
  • Nick Saban describes Alabama's loss to a stripper as a "catastrophic event" . . . you know, like 9/11 or Pearl Harbor.
  • Stay classy New York Jets fans.
  • This Thanksgiving, I would like to give thanks to all of those stupid criminals out there who keep me entertained.
  • It is too bad the Packers do not play New England this year. I am in second in my FFL league and the guy in first has Brady.
  • Ah, the United States Government . . . you never cease to amaze me.
  • And England wonders how we defeated them in the Revolutionary War.

Although I have been shorted two days worth of entertaining news articles, I will never short my readers on funny video clips to get them through the day.

  • First it was the 12-man beer bong, and now it is the gas-powered blender. People of Wisconsin, I take back everything bad I have ever said about you.
  • Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried . . . EVER!

I hope you and your families have a safe start to the holiday season. Have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmmm.. nothing makes a margarita taste better than a hint of unleaded gasoline.