Friday, January 23, 2009

The Way We See It, Eh?

If, much like the fine folks here at GameTime, TBD©, you are a dedicated Starbucks drinker (dedicated, addicted, what's the difference?), you have undoubtedly seen the "The Way I See It" quotes printed on every cup. Normally the quotes seem random and unrelated to most things that happen in every day life. But not today. Today, on a "grande in a vente" cup, the following was written: "There is a subtle difference between a mission and a promise. A mission is something you strive to accomplish - a promise is something you are compelled to keep. One is individual, the other is shared. When a mission and a promise are one and the same . . . that's when mountains are moved and races are won." The quote came from President and CEO of Susan G Komen for the Cure, Hala Moddelmog. While I do not equate what I am about to tell with curing cancer, it is a good story nonetheless.

A "close friend" of the GameTime, TBD© family went and got himself/herself a ticket for running a red light, you know, one of those tickets issued by a video camera. Well, he/she approached the Chief and asked if he could help him/her out with fighting ticket. Like any good attorney, the Chief promised to do so. After reviewing the evidence, it became quite clear that this "close friend" did in fact run the red (no matter how many times "close friend" argued it's a judgment call, much like instant replay in the NFL). The Chief thus made it his mission to find a way to still get his "close friend" out of the ticket. So the Chief dug in and, like a good attorney (because he is one), sought out a way to get the evidence excluded so that the State would not be able to carry its burden of proof. The Chief thinks he came up with a pretty compelling argument and that the "close friend" should be getting out of the ticket. Of course, the Chief spent way too much time on this simple proposition -- performing research, contacting City officials, obtaining copies of contractual agreements, etc. -- but it was his mission, and he was going to do what ever it took to move that mountain. We will let you know what happens with the case, but you should know that the Chief does not lose very often when it comes to a legal battle (Lawyered!).

The way we see it, here are somethings you might have missed:
  • Let us start things off right this week: Marisa Miller photoshoot.
  • NHLPA seeks winter break so players can relive the classic college tradition of hooking-up-with-that-girl-from-high-school-who-used-to-ignore-you-but-now-thinks-you're-cool-because-you're-in-college, all in the name of "selling the game".
  • At least the Pittsburgh Penguins understand the importance of fans.
  • NCAA set to ruin beach . . . er . . . I mean "sand" volleyball. Why God, why?
  • Athlete divorces going public always make for a good read.
  • We would like to know if so-called-expert Mel Kiper takes into account team needs before composing his mock draft.
  • Reality show? Michael Irvin? When and where do we tune in?
  • Why Kurt Warner is a better quarterback than Peyton Manning [Editor's Note: That's impossible]. And no, the answer is not Jesus. Wait, is it?
  • This is why my yet-to-be-conceived children will own and play every single sports video game out there.
  • If we read this poster right, David Bonaduce and Jose Canseco are set to make out this weekend.
  • Come on, who has not scored in the "centre circle" with her? [Editor's Note: ba-ZING!]
  • What's going on with girls' high school basketball in Texas? Last week it was it was 94-1; this week, 100-0. And the team wants to forfeit the victory?
  • The PGA Tour, having run out of local "phenoms" who will ultimately fail to challenge Tiger Woods, starts shipping them in from abroad.
The way we see it, this weeks Link Dump has a little bit of everything for your viewing pleasure. We have got a former-SC player looking retarded [Editor's Note: No, not that one, the other one . . . no, not him, the OTHER one . . .], an impressive display of athleticism, and, of course, people getting hurt. What could be better?
Before we conclude, we have a bonus link for all you Star Wars fans out there. Have a great weekend everyone!

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