Some of you may have noticed the new section in the right hand column entitled "Drop Us a Line".
To make this site more interactive, the "folks" here at GameTime, TBD© decided it was time to find a way to let the readers have more of an input into what goes down around here. That being the case, I felt the best idea would be to create an email address at which you can . . . wait for it . . . wait for it . . . drop us a line.
Being the genius I am, I decided an email account would be the best and easiest means of accomplishing this new goal; being the uber-genius I am, I decide on the incredibly original and creative email address
So, do you have a topic you would like to see discussed here? a video or article you think is worthy of the Friday Link Dump? know a semi-celebrity/athlete I could interview (I mean, I'd take an actual celebrity/athlete if you've got one for me)? know of a female worthy of some vintage GameTime, TBD© praise? have a general comment about life in general? think I am doing a great job and want to let me know? or think I am doing an awful job and want to let me know? If you answered "yes" to any of the first six questions, go ahead and drop us a line at If you answered "yes" to that last question, then screw you, I rule . . . just kidding . . . you are also welcome to drop us a line (I fully support the First Amendment).
Who knows, if I like what you write, I just might have to steal it . . . err, I mean . . . quote you.
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